Monday, April 7, 2014

Back on the Blogging Grind?

Ah, it's already April!

I'm going to keep this very short tonight - I think I may have peptic ulcers.. (stomach ulcers) so I'm feeling horrible and there's a lot of pain shooting up and down my back and GI tract. GOSH.

So far, I have gone to my interview for my research position and will be notified by the end of May whether or not I made it. The interview was a bit shaky - very shaky.  I wish I could have prepared more for it but oh well. A lot of my personality was present - I laughed during formal situations.

Other than that, I have a few exams coming up this week and then  it's Spring Break! HOW LATE AND LAME IS THAT.

Maybe I'll take this opportunity to visit my beautiful friend kreature and my other beautiful friends. I'm keeping hope alive. Also, Mary and I might be taking a trip during the summer - east coast style! I'm excited. Chances are that we'll probably not follow through with it...


With warm regards,